What Exactly Is Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT)?

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a therapeutic modality that’s specially suited to treat clients who experience what’s referred to as over-control. This unique condition often affects high-achievers, perfectionists, and those who outwardly seem to function on an exceptional level. 

These individuals may appear to be ideal partners, students, athletes, employees, bosses, etc. However, they’re typically unable to fully express themselves or even feel emotions at times, which leads to social isolation, loneliness, and relationship issues. Clients often experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD, various eating disorders, and more. 

Self-control is a powerful life skill; however, over-controlled behavior is too much of a good thing that can lead to emotional distress—suffering that is often invisible. As a result, therapeutic care for these individuals is often overlooked, or they seem resistant to treatment because the source of the problem is misinterpreted. 

What Is RO-DBT Therapy An Effective Treatment Option For?

Radically Open DBT was founded by Dr. Thomas R. Lynch who has been researching and forming this theory for over 30 years. After he and the psychotherapeutic community realized that standard DBT was not successful for everyone, RO-DBT became accepted as an effective approach to therapy for a range of additional issues and populations.

For instance, RO-DBT can address OCD, anxiety, perfectionism, anorexia, and other eating disorders. Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy has its roots in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which is a great treatment option for clients who are dysregulated and lack control over problematic thoughts and behaviors. 

However, Radically Open DBT is different from DBT in many ways. In the past, clients would attend group therapy weekly to learn about different RO-DBT skills. Then, they would have individual sessions with their therapist to process the use of the skill and engage in more therapeutic discussions.

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy takes things a step further by specifically targeting overcontrolled behaviors. While it is typically offered through skills groups and individual process sessions, it can also be offered as individual sessions to both teach skills and process.

There are a ton of different strategies, but most of them involve the three pillars of RO-DBT, which are cultivating openness, flexibility, and social connectedness. We often provide exercises or homework for building and practicing these skills outside of sessions, including journaling to record progress and detail how certain tools worked out in real life. 

Who Can Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy Help?

Anyone who is experiencing issues related to overcontrol, including adults and teens, can benefit from RO-DBT, especially individuals who are struggling with anorexia or anxiety. It can also support those who are trying to navigate issues related to perfectionism, high expectations, and people-pleasing. 

A big piece of RO-DBT is social signaling, which is how people communicate emotions to others in conversation (both casual and intense). It focuses on giving clients permission to express themselves so they can more accurately signal their emotions to others, including reactions that would otherwise be restricted. Another important part of Radically Open DBT is giving clients a space to be less serious. That can include doing a silly exercise or using humor as we explore vulnerabilities and pain points.

This targeted approach to therapy is ideal for those who have been unable to heal or grow using other treatment methods. RO-DBT encourages clients to be less controlled (versus more controlled), which typically does not occur in counseling settings. It’s also ideal for individuals who are so successful, in control, and lacking outward dysfunction that their care is overlooked.

What Are The Benefits Of Radically Open DBT?

Clients learn how to cultivate emotional flexibility, humility, and interpersonal skills that lead to a greater sense of connectedness in relationships. They can also learn how to properly utilize coping skills rather than trying to impress a therapist, “win,” or be seen as doing something "right." 

Because each person represents a different set of circumstances, we often incorporate aspects of DBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into sessions. We also draw from client-centered, attachment, and emotionally based theories, all of which allow us to approach healing in a way that suits every individual. 

In combination or as a stand-alone treatment option, RO-DBT allows clients to break free from over-controlling behaviors—even if they’ve been stuck for years. This means relaxing, enjoying life more, and being less serious in situations that require more finesse and flexibility. 

Where other therapeutic models have failed, Radically Open DBT offers people a way to live with a greater sense of freedom, lightness, and peace of mind.

Life Doesn’t Have To Be So Controlled All The Time

Our therapists at Key Counseling Group want you to know that you can enjoy a life that is dynamic, spontaneous, and even unpredictable. Please contact us for your free consultation to see how RO-DBT can help you.

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