Depression Treatment

Has Depression Left You Longing For Your Old Self?

Do you feel weighed down by a sense of sadness that makes it seem like you’re trudging through life without hope or direction? Despite being able to function day to day, are you distracted at work or having trouble forming quality relationships because you can’t seem to fully engage in anything?  

On top of the sadness, perhaps you feel guilty because you tell yourself that you have it good, yet you still feel empty or unfulfilled. 

Or maybe you’re simply in a funk, hoping that therapy will shed some light on whether depression, anxiety, trauma, or some other hidden factor is at work. 

Depression Can Affect You At All Stages Of Life 

For instance, perhaps you were once more optimistic, outgoing, or motivated, and this sudden emotional shift has you wondering who you are anymore. Or maybe you’re experiencing postpartum or perinatal depression as you navigate the foreign landscape of pregnancy or motherhood.  

It’s possible you’re raising a child or teenager who is isolating themselves, eating differently, or lacking motivation and you’re worried about their emotional well-being. Or it could be that you’re suddenly facing an empty nest and find yourself without a definite sense of meaning or purpose in life. 

Depression makes you feel like you’re wading through mud on a daily basis, but you can change all of that. Our experienced depression specialists at Key Counseling Group can help you reconnect with a better version of yourself, so you feel happier, more fulfilled, and thankful for all you have. 

Depression Is A Lonely Experience For Millions Of People

Unfortunately, as a society, we’ve begun to normalize isolation through social media, technology, online learning, and remote careers—which makes connecting with others even more challenging. Then there are lifestyle factors, such as substance use, poor diet, and a lack of sunlight, sleep, and exercise, that make it that much easier for depression to flourish.

Although everyone experiences sadness at some point, depression is more pervasive and enduring, affecting an estimated 280 million people worldwide. And despite women being more likely to experience depression, men are much less likely to seek treatment.

People Are Reluctant To Ask For Help For Several Reasons

Part of that resistance is because we are still very much steeped in an overly self-reliant culture that makes it difficult to be vulnerable and talk about feelings. Some people struggle with guilt or negative feelings about themselves that make them think, “I don’t deserve to feel better.” Others have family or friends who minimize symptoms and simply encourage them to march “forward and onward.”

However, the truth is that you can’t think your way or will yourself out of depression—it’s something that requires guidance and support, which is where a depression counselor comes in. Despite the weight you carry, you can get back to your old self and live with a greater sense of joy, gratitude, and connection.

Depression Treatment Offers You Clarity And Compassionate Support

Many people coming into therapy may not be able to put a name to what they’re going through; they only know something is off. Working with a depression counselor gives you a space where you can finally understand what’s going on, be vulnerable, and explore your thoughts and feelings in confidence.

Throughout the therapeutic process, you’ll learn more about depression, how each individual’s experience differs, and what your personal emotional triggers are. At the same time, we’ll help you build self-esteem, confront feelings of shame or unnecessary guilt, and explore alternative coping mechanisms for processing and managing painful emotions. 

Take A Peek Inside Our Depression Counseling Sessions

First, we want to hear your story and how depression is affecting your life, giving you a chance to sort through your thoughts, emotions, and goals for treatment. Then, we’ll try to discern some of the root causes of your distress by exploring your background, current situation, and any aspects of your lifestyle that may affect how you feel and function.

For instance, we can look at your dietary habits, sleep schedule, work life, personal boundaries, or any harmful relationships that are affecting your ability to feel connected, fulfilled, and engaged. We’ll help you pinpoint areas where you could benefit from more adaptive coping skills. We can even explore the possible benefits of medications, depending on your thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Using that information, we can then start drawing a roadmap toward a place where you feel happier and more like yourself.

Some Of The Strategies We Use In Therapy For Depression

Our depression therapists at Key Counseling Group draw from a range of therapeutic models. For instance, Motivational Interviewing is a gentle, conversational way of peeling back the layers of depression to get to its root cause. 

Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT) focuses on building mindfulness skills and improving communication, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression addresses the negative thoughts and beliefs that keep people bound up in self-doubt. 

In our sessions, we’ll help you build an awareness of your emotional stressors and the factors that contribute to depression while showing you how to alleviate or decrease exposure to those triggers. We can teach you how to communicate your needs for support in relationships. Plus, you can learn how to ground yourself, reorient to the present moment, and consciously navigate even the most severe mood-related symptoms. 

In our years of experience helping people reclaim their lives from depression, we’ve seen countless clients show an improvement in symptoms soon after beginning therapy, medication, or support groups. So, we know that change is possible for you too. 

Whether you’re constantly sad, stuck in a rut, or just looking for a way to be happier and more fulfilled, our depression therapists at Key Counseling Group want to help. With a little work, you can discover a life of peace and contentment where you feel more deeply connected to yourself, other people, and the world around you. 

Perhaps You Have Some Thoughts About Depression Treatment…

I feel like I just need to take better care of myself.

A huge factor in overcoming depression is taking care of yourself while changing negative behavioral patterns—which can be difficult without treatment. That’s because depression can steal your sense of motivation and hope. 

However, working with a therapist gives you a safe, supportive environment in which to set goals and make adjustments that will help you feel more like yourself again. We can even offer you practical tips for improving your sleep routine, dietary habits, and overall self-care and hygiene, thus facilitating the healing process.

I am not sure depression treatment can help the way I've been feeling.

One of the common feelings that accompany depression is hopelessness. So, it can be completely normal to go into therapy feeling defeated—but we are prepared to meet you wherever you are. Although we may start by discussing goals that feel unattainable, over time, you’ll begin to see the possibilities that lie before you. 

With support, it is possible to create real change and achieve meaningful progress in a steady and sustainable way.

I worry that a counselor will push depression medication on me.

We will never require that you take medication; that’s a decision that every client makes for themselves. Truth be told, depression medication is supposed to act as a temporary bandage while the deeper work of therapy and healing occurs. 

If you think medication is right for you, we can refer you to a psychiatrist or work with your primary care physician to come up with a pharmaceutical plan that’s right for you. Regardless of the situation, you’re the one who gets to decide what is best for you.

Let Us Help You Rediscover Your Old Self

Depression has a way of disconnecting you from yourself, the people you love, and the world around you, but is possible to find your way back. Contact us today for a free consultation call and take the first step toward feeling like yourself again.

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