Anxiety in Children: Common Symptoms and Why They Sometimes Look Different
While we often associate anxiety with adults, children can have it too—and often in ways that are more difficult to recognize. Unlike adults, children may not have the language to express their worries clearly, so their anxiety can manifest in behaviors that might be mistaken for something else. Understanding the signs of anxiety in children is crucial for parents, caregivers, and educators so they can get the help they need.
Exploring the Unique Challenges and Symptoms of Anxiety in Women
Anxiety doesn’t discriminate based on gender. However, this mental health issue can sometimes look different in men and women. When it comes to anxiety, women can be affected by a combination of hormonal and societal factors that contribute to their stress levels. Getting help starts with understanding what anxiety can look like in women.
What Are Distraction Methods for Anxiety?
When your thoughts are spiraling due to anxiety, one way to head them off is just by distracting yourself. This will help you manage these big emotions in the moment. Distractions are usually used in combination with other coping mechanisms so you don’t become overly reliant on them.
Signs of Perfectionism and How to Manage It
Our society celebrates high achievers and high standards. It’s easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism to please others and ourselves. While we do think of perfectionism as a personality trait, it also comes with some telltale behaviors. Perfectionism isn’t always a good thing—over time, these behaviors and mentalities can harm your mental health.
Anxious About Work? 4 Ways To Keep Calm While Remaining Productive
In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to perform well at work might make you feel more stressed than normal. Whether you’ve got looming deadlines or a demanding boss, the workplace can sometimes get overwhelming. However, it’s important to remember that feeling anxious about work is manageable.
5 Tips for Reducing Anxiety Naturally
If you’re prone to anxiety, you know how overwhelming it can feel. While talking to a mental health professional is an important way of treating anxiety, it’s also good to have techniques you can use both in the moment and as lifestyle changes that can reduce your anxiety naturally.
How to Support Someone With Anxiety
If someone you love has been struggling with anxiety, you might not know where to start. Watching someone experience the worst effects of anxiety, such as panic attacks, can be alarming. It’s important to approach someone with anxiety with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to learn.
4 Effective Ways CBT Helps Manage Anxiety
If you’ve been living with anxiety, you might be wondering which therapeutic approach is right for you. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most common therapies for problems like depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, and other mental health issues. As an older therapy, it has a wealth of scientific backing proving its effectiveness. Here are four ways CBT has been shown to help manage anxiety.
Why Perfectionism Is Detrimental To Mental Health
Our culture glorifies high achievements. Many people see perfectionists as hard workers with enviable traits. But perfectionism can lead to impossible-to-achieve standards, which take a toll on the perfectionist’s mental and physical health. Here’s why perfectionism is damaging to your mental health and how understanding and addressing it is a crucial step towards healing your inner voice.
How Are Anxiety and Depression Connected?
We tend to think of anxiety as being high-energy: nervous, on edge, irritable. Depression, on the other hand, is low-energy: down, sluggish, fatigued. But even though anxiety and depression seem different on paper, they’re actually intertwined.
How To Calm Anxiety Attacks
If you’ve had an anxiety attack, you know it can be a very difficult and distressing experience. They can make you feel like you’re losing control, and can cause physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and sweating.
4 Tips To Preventing Anxiety During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a complicated time in your life. On the one hand, you’re excited to welcome your little one into the world and start a new chapter in your life. On the other, your body is changing and you’re nervous about the future uncertainties.
3 Tips For Handling Stress When You Are Highly Successful
When you have a successful career, stress usually comes with the job. Sometimes, it’s easy to ignore. But handling your stress is a crucial behavior to learn.
How Does A Divorce Impact A Man?
Divorce is one of the most stressful life events someone can go through. Nobody plans for it—marriage is assumed to be forever. Divorces are emotionally draining, distressing, and oftentimes introduce chaos that replaces routines. While women and men are both affected by the upheaval of divorce, men can have unique issues that aren’t discussed as often.
What Are Symptoms Of Depression In Men?
Feeling a range of emotions is normal. But persistently feeling sad and withdrawing from friends and family can be a sign of a depressive episode, which can have devastating effects on every area of your life.
Anxiety And Its Connection To Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts come unbidden, and they can be very concerning.
3 Tips To Be Assertive, Not Aggressive
Being assertive helps you control stress and improve your coping skills. Among other benefits, being assertive also helps boost your self-worth and earns you the respect of others.
3 Tips For Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries can help improve your self-esteem and even improve the quality of your relationships. It’s a sign of self-respect.
Low Self-Esteem? Social Media May Be To Blame
Social media can be a great tool to reconnect with old friends and keep up with new ones. You can update people on how your life is going through videos or photos as well as venting your thoughts.
Life After The Pandemic: Coping With Anxiety As We Return To Normal
Are you still experiencing anxiety even though the world is reopening? Would you still prefer to live in quarantine for your safety?