When Does Substance Use Turn Into Abuse?
Not everyone who drinks alcohol or uses drugs is an addict. In our culture, drinking and partying are glamorized in ads, movies, and television shows.
The Effect Of Substance Abuse On Relationships
Substance abuse doesn’t just affect the person using drugs or alcohol. Everyone around them will feel its rippling, damaging effects.
Helping Your Child Navigate The Change That Comes With Divorce
Divorce is an adjustment period for everyone. As an adult, you’re more familiar with the intimate details of separating from your partner.
Does Your Child Have Anxiety? When To Begin Worrying About This And What To Do About It
Kids look to their parents to make them feel better. As a parent, you probably do everything you can to make their worries go away
How Grief Can Change Us And Ways To Manage It
Grieving is a journey. Even when other people say we should be over the loss, we’re not.
Can EMDR Help Me With My Anxiety?
Anxiety is normal in small doses. Everyone gets stressed now and again. But if your anxiety has specific triggers, or if it prevents you from doing daily tasks or activities you once loved, you might need to look at the cause.
Explaining IFS Therapy And What It is Used For
There are many different approaches to psychotherapy, and you might be wondering which is right for you. Plenty of therapies treat the same issues, so it can be hard to distinguish between them.
What Is Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy And How Can It Help?
Couples often seek therapy when their relationship is reaching a breaking point. There are many approaches to couples therapy that address conflict resolution, communication strategies, and rebuilding intimacy.
4 Ways Therapy Helps You Explore Your Sexual Orientation
Questioning your sexual orientation can be both scary and exciting. In our culture, heterosexuality is the default. It can be daunting to realize you fit outside this box.
Thinking About Coming Out? How Therapy Can Help In The Process
If you are discovering you’re a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, you might be feeling lost. Coming out and living openly as queer can be scary.
Stressed About Hiding Your Sexuality? 4 Ways To Cope
While society is moving toward acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community, there are still dangers and stigmas in being out and queer.
How Does Infertility Affect Relationships? 3 Things To Remember
Infertility can be devastating. The process of trying to get pregnant and experiencing a cycle of disappointment can take a huge toll on you and your partner’s mental health.
Coping With Grief After A Miscarriage
Despite how common miscarriages are, they are still a devastating loss to the person or couple experiencing them. Everyone will respond to them differently.
Overcoming Substance Abuse Once And For All: 3 Tips For Your Journey
Getting sober is a lifelong journey. It might feel overwhelming, once you know you have a problem with substance abuse, to get started on your healing journey.
What Exactly Is Substance Abuse Treatment?
Substance abuse is defined as the continued use of a drug despite worsening outcomes. Addiction is a complex disease and not a moral failure.
Should My Teen Be Tested For Dyslexia? Some Signs & Things To Consider
Dyslexia can be hard to identify and treat. It’s a neurological disability that makes it difficult to process words, letters, and numbers.
Finding Happiness When You Miss Your Loved One
Several situations can cause us to miss a loved one.
Trauma Explained: Defining, Identifying, and Treating It
Psychological trauma occurs when someone experiences a highly stressful situation.
How To Co-Parent Productively With A Difficult Or Resistant Ex
Parenting is hard enough as it is. It can be even more difficult to co-parent.
7 Strategies For Setting Boundaries & Supporting Your Boomerang Child
Has one of your children settled back home after previously fleeing the nest? A relatively new term for this is called the “boomerang” experience.